Driving & parking

(Driving distances & times and places to park)

Driving and parking

This page provides information about driving distances and times (from downtown Corvallis) as well as suggested locations for parking.

Driving times from downtown Corvallis

Southern tier - driving distances & times

Places to park

The map below shows locations that may be appropriate to leave a vehicle when bicycling the routes described on this website. Prior to using this map, please read the terms of use below.

Map controls:

  • Clicking on the location icon will display details about that location.

  • Clicking on the square in the upper left corner will open a menu of all locations.

  • Clicking the square in the upper right corner will open the map in a new window.

Terms of use: The information on this site is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. You are solely responsible for determining whether any location is legal and safe for parking. The author of this website encourages compliance with the policies of private landowners and federal, state, and local laws and does not condone illegal trespassing. Before using any of the information on this website, please read the terms of use.