US Geological Survey (USGS)

USGS Map Store

Map Locator Tool

National Map Viewer

Indexes of maps

Types of current topographic maps

US Topo is the current USGS topographic map series for the Nation. These are modeled on the legacy 7.5-minute maps, but are mass-produced from GIS databases of The National Map and published as digital documents.  

OnDemand Topos are USGS-style topographic maps created using the topoBuilder application. These maps are generated upon request using the best available data from The National Map and offer customizations such as choice of format, area of interest, and National Map content. Learn more at the topoBuilder landing page. topoBuilder Resources: 

Historical Topographic Maps

To learn more about map scales and how they differ in detail, content, and area coverage please visit the  USGS Map Scales publication

Learn About The National Map