Wilder Trails

About the Wilder Mountain Bike Trails

These trails are in the South Beach area of Newport. They are on private property and a free permit is required (see below). 

Required permit

Emery Investments owns the Wilder Trails and requires a free permit for access. You can obtain a free permit by emailing them a photo of your driver's license (permits@eenw.com).  

Emery Investments map of Wilder

The map below shows the location of the Wilder Trails and how to avoid trespassing on neighboring property.

Warning of possible trail closures due to violations

On 11/12/21, I received the following email from Emery Investments:

Dear Wilder Trail Permit Holder,

Due to repeated observed egregious violations of our permit terms by many, many trail users of various kinds we are being forced to consider severely restricting access or closing our trail system. As a permitted user, we depend on your good faith effort to abide by our use guidelines.  A majority of our users are very conscientious in their use of our trail system and we appreciate you greatly.  We would be very sorry to have to take any measures which would punish all users, based on the poor actions of a minority; we sincerely hope it will not come to that.

Please take this opportunity to review our terms of use and familiarize yourself with our trail map (see below). For any observed permit violations, users may be confronted and escorted off the property, served with a Notice of Trespass, arrested, prosecuted, and/or banned indefinitely. Any user violating our permit terms while on property is trespassing.  Wilder trail use is a privilege, not a right, and can be revoked at any time for any reason. Observed violations are as follows:

Our neighboring property owner has informed us of the use of video surveillance to try to ID as many trespassers as possible with the intent to prosecute.  We’ve informed our neighbor we intend to collaborate on identifying trespassers caught on video for our mutual benefit.  We will revoke the Wilder access permit of any trespasser we can positively ID.  We will provide any evidence we have to help our neighbor successfully prosecute unwanted trespassers of any kind and vice versa.