Marys Go Round

About Marys Go Round

The route is 19.4 miles, with 2760' of climbing, and is 99% unpaved. This route was created by Peter Rabinold. Two versions are shown below. Peter's original counterclockwise version, and a clockwise version that looks less difficult to me.

Essential information

Starting location: Woods Creek Trailhead (see location). Public parking is available

Distance & drive time from downtown Corvallis (see route): 16 miles; 32 minutes

Seasonal closure: A one mile segment of this shared route is closed to bicycles between the middle of October through the Middle of May (on the Sugarbowl Creek segment of the C2C Trail).  

Additional information: Before riding any part of the C2C Trail, check the C2C Trail Partnership website for updated information.   

Marys Go Round v1 (counterclockwise)

RWGPS route map: 19.4 miles; +2760'; 99% unpaved

Marys Go Round v2 (clockwise)

RWGPS route map: 19.4 miles; +2760'; 99% unpaved