Limitations on public access

to the Valsetz Quadrangle

Much of the Valsetz Quadrangle falls within the Stott Mountain - North Alsea Travel Management Area. This is a cooperative effort between public and private landowners to maintain public access on private and surrounding public land. The limitations on public access in this area are the following:

  • Non-motorized travel and passenger vehicles are allowed 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunrise.

  • The following activities or vehicles are prohibited: Camping; fires; electric bikes; motorcycles; ATVs; target shooting; trapping.

  • During fire season (which typically spans between early July to early to mid-October) this area is typically open for non-motorized access during industrial fire levels 1, 2, and 3, and closed during level 4. Motorized access is typically limited during fire levels 1 and 2 and closed during fire levels 3 and 4. Information about Oregon Fire Season is available on this website. Closures are most likely to happen between early July and mid-September.

  • According to Weyerhaeuser, the Siletz Gorge Road from Wildcat Bridge (1 mile north of Moonshine Park) to Gravel Creek is open for motorized and non-motorized access during weekends and non-motorized access during weekdays. Non-motorized access is allowed behind locked gates. To obtain the latest status information call the Weyerhaeuser Northwest Recreation Hotline message at 888-741-5403.

  • Hancock Forests controls the gate at the southern end of the Old Railroad Grade. Their number for recreational access information is 503-838-6930.

More information

For more information about private timberlands and fire season visit the pages at the links below: